Welcome to Pickford Township

Pickford Township - 

 MAIN OFFICE    Office Hours:
12:00 Noon to 4:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
During Tax Collection Yearly times (July 1st - September 15th
and December 1st - February 28) office hours are
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Noon to 4:00 PM
Closed on Wednesday.
Taxes can be paid at the Pickford Branch of Central Savings Bank.
Please refer to the bank for open times.

Tax Assessor-Katie Carpenter- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
906 484-2833 home office

Monthly Public Meetings - 2nd Tuesday @ 7 p.m.at Town Hall

Summer Tax begins  July 1st - September 14th
Winter Tax begins December 1st - February 28th

Pickford Twp. Staff - (906) 647-3361

Supervisor - Tom Ball   (Ext. 21)

Clerk - Linda Miller  (Ext. 22) Alternate Number 906 440-7852
Deputy Clerk - Kathi Andrzejak  (Ext. 28)

Treasurer - Donna Wiggins  (Ext. 23)
Deputy Treasurer Michelle Jarvie (No Ext)

Office Secretary- Kathi Andrzejak (Ext 24)

Twp. Trustees -  Kevin Decker & Travis Miller  (Use Ext. 24)

Assessor - Katie Carpenter  (Ext. 25) ( offices visits by appointment only)
Township Office 906 647-3361 ext 25
Home Office 906 484-2833

Park Mgr. Kevin Cornell (Use Ext. 24)

Maintenance -   Ed Manske (Use Ext. 24)

Sexton - Vern Roe  (Use Ext. 24)

Pickford Utility Authority - Tom Portice (Ext. 27)

Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector
Ken Waybrant- 440-9598

Fire Hall
Jim Miller, Fire Chief
Assistant Fire Chiefs
Marc Johnson
Kenny Bawks